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NetMarketingSolution.com Introduces Beta Version of myKeywordFinder.com


Friday, August 4, 2006; 07:45 AM

NetMarketingSolution.com introduced the Beta version of myKeywordFinder.com, designed to help search engine marketing professionals obtain a fast, relevant and customizable keyword phrase analysis for their customers. MyKeywordFinder.com is a powerful tool for professionals working in the search engine industry to help them determine the most relevant keyword phrases catered to meet their customers’ needs.

MyKeywordFinder.com uses a large keyword database that continuously adds search engine queries to the millions it already has stored in order to suggest keyword phrases that are relevant to a particular term. MyKeyWordFinder.com is an elaborate work tool giving precise results on the keyword phrase’s potential for success in addition to other relative keyword phrases. Not only does myKeyWordFinder.com provide information on the average total requests per month but also offers a detailed breakdown for Google, MSN, and Yahoo, the three most popular search engines on the Internet. The innovative Top 10 Clicks feature takes the analysis even further by providing the traffic you can expect that keyword phrase to generate to your site on those three search engines.

Fully customizable, the Session Info section of MyKeywordFinder.com also enables you to present your findings by producing professional documents. This section uses the Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) technology, the latest in Internet advancements, where page updates are made incrementally thus eliminating full page refreshes and through editing that is done simultaneously. The use of AJAX enables users greater flexibility with keyword phrases chosen that can easily be added and removed from work lists without enduring long wait times. This section also allows you to save your findings in various electronic and printer-friendly formats.

The BETA version of http://www.mykeywordfinder.com will be offered free on a limited trial basis for search engine professionals to try out and use to develop their search engine marketing programs. Users are requested to fill out a registration form to give them access to the keyword phrase tool.

NetMarketingSolution.com is a Montreal-based team of marketing professionals that offers professional search engine marketing solutions and various Internet business solutions. It has been involved in the search engine marketing industry for over ten years.



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