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JavaScript Library Thickbox Updated to v.1.0


Wednesday, May 24, 2006; 04:41 AM

Release 1.0 of the ThickBox is now available at the author's website.  The code is released under a Creative Commons License.

Thickbox is a specialized script, which removes the need for big JS libraries like Prototype, when working with in-page “boxes”, or “windows”.  Additionally, it allows for structural mark-up of the content-containing layer.  Thickbox is similar to Lightbox.js .

"ThickBox originally was intended to be a proof of concept using the jQuery library," says creator Cody Lindley. "At the same time, during the original development I had a notion of possibly using ThickBox on a web site my close friend Hugh Griffith was working on. Indeed my notion turned out to be correct and this last week Hugh contacted me about using ThickBox on his new portfolio site. However, the current version, as many of you know had some major bugs (especially in IE). So, I started troubling shooting the issues he was having with ThickBox, and well, to make a long story short I ended up with a updated version of ThickBox."

Upgrading from the old version of ThickBox to the newer version is simple. Just replace the thickbox.js file & TB_ CSS declarations found on the new demo with the old ones.  Downloads are available at http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/ .

Detailed Look at ThickBox Updates:

  • ThickBox will accept the following file extensions as lowercase; .jpg .jpeg .png .gif .html .htm .cfm .php .asp .aspx .jsp .jst .rb .txt
  • ThickBox no longer uses a fixed CSS position. This means that in Internet Explorer the window will appear centered in the viewable browser window no matter how far you scroll the browser window horizontally or vertically. Yes, this means you can now have links at the bottom of a web page in IE that use ThickBox.
  • ThickBox will now adjust the size of ThickBox images that are bigger than the viewable browser window to fit inside the browser window.
  • ThickBox can now be initiated on more than just page load. For use with AJAX type stuff where you might need to add ThickBox functionality to a page even after its been initially loaded by the browser.
  • Clicking a ThickBox image will now close ThickBox.




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