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PipelineDeals.com Launches Web 2.0 Sales Tool for SMBs


Tuesday, July 25, 2006; 03:10 AM

Pipelinedeals.com incorporates Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) and Ruby on Rails to create a dynamic online application that interacts with the user like a traditional client-side application. Pipelinedeals.com enables its users to organize their business around deals and keep track of important people, files, to do lists, milestones, notes, maps and links.

JP Werlin, co-founder of Pipelinedeals.com said, "When we designed Pipelinedeals.com, we took the vital 20% of the functionality that 80% of the folks used in similar applications." Pipelinedeals.com is based on a monthly subscription per deal model, that at the "Personal" level of $12 per month is 81% cheaper that Salesforce.com 's $65 per seat base plan. JP continued, "We are a disruptive technology to Salesforce.com , just like what Salesforce.com was to Siebel and Oracle, back in 1999."

The application is entirely web based and requires no installation. Its features include creation and sharing of documents, data visualization, backup functionality, reminders, and more. A short product tour is provided at http://pipelinedeals.com/.



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