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Feather AJAX: The Lightweight AJAX Library


Monday, July 17, 2006; 06:38 AM

Part-time software developer Patrick Kane created a small and easily customizable JavaScript library for implementing AJAX functionality on a webpage.  The so-called Feather AJAX script is less than 1KB in size and works in all modern browsers.

A large number of AJAX frameworks have been released in the past months, some of them serving specific purposes, and some being general-purpose solutions.  Feather AJAX can serve as a learning tool for web developers, or it can be used as a starting point for the implementation of a specific project and then expanded as need be.   

The project is hosted at Kane's personal website (www.celtickane.com/programming/code/ajax.php).  Two version of Feather AJAX are available: a commented version, which serves as documentation, and an uncommented one that saves bandwidth.

Here is an example of a Feather AJAX script, that changes the date and time on a webpage without reloading it: 

   if($_GET[action] == "gettext") {
   header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
   header("Pragma: nocache");
   echo "myElement=>The Ajax worked at ".date("h:i:s A")."!|";
<script type="text/javascript" src="featherajax.js"></script>
<div id="myElement"> This Text Will Be Dynamic </div>
<input type="button" value="Click Me" onClick="var ao = new AjaxObject(); ao.sndReq('get','myajax.php?action=gettext');" />



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