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Jemplate - A Free Template Toolkit for Javascript


Thursday, May 4, 2006; 07:06 AM

Jemplate is a templating framework for Javascript that is built over Perl's Template Toolkit (TT2). Jemplate parses TT2 templates using the TT2 Perl framework, but with a twist. Instead of compiling the templates into Perl code, it compiles them into Javascript. Jemplate then provides a Javascript runtime module for processing the template code, thus creating a full featured Javascript templating language. Combined with JSON and xmlHttpRequest, Jemplate provides a really simple and powerful way to do Ajax stuff.

The Perl Template Toolkit itself is “a fast, powerful and extensible template processing system... ideally suited to the production and maintenance of web content and other dynamic document systems.” When using Jemplate, Perl (and the Template Toolkit) is only needed to compile the templates. The templating lingo itself is Perl agnostic and full featured. It resembles Python, Ruby or Javascript more than Perl.

Jemplate description and downloads are available at http://search.cpan.org/~ingy/Jemplate-0.18/ . The newest version 0.18 can be freely downloaded, since it is licensed the same way Perl is – under either Artistic or GPL license.

The author's weblog at http://blog.ingy.net/2006/02/jemplate_a_template_toolkit_fo.html provides some more details about Jemplate.



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